Bar & Nightclub Fraud Prevention
Don't be fooled by fake ids & counterfeit payments
Common fraud issues:
Counterfeit Money
Counterfeit Payment Cards (i.e., credit cards)
Fake/Stolen Identities (i.e., fake driver licenses)

Beware: In general, each state's alcohol agency is free to revoke a license for ANY type of alcohol-related offense, even a first one.
Nightclubs and bars face issues of counterfeit fraud and regulatory compliance specific to their industry as they conduct their daily business. Many of these establishments have environments that invite fraudulent activity with dark or dimly lit spaces and/or unusual lighting conditions which make visual inspection of payment methods and identification documents difficult.
Payment fraud such as counterfeit money, fraudulent coupons and stolen or counterfeit credit cards is the most prevalent type of fraud in this sector of the hospitality industry. However, it is important to note that ID verification is a particularly important issue for entities that rely on alcohol and tobacco sales and gambling participation. Failure to address fraud not only impacts the bottom line, but lends itself to the potential levy of fines, legal actions and/or license forfeitures that could destroy the business.
Optimize Compliance with Every Transaction
With fraudulent attacks on the rise and regulatory pressures mounting, nightclub and bar businesses are required to implement procedures to ensure that they prevent underage drinking through ID verification methods and reduce the rampant transaction fraud occurring in the industry.
For these companies, FraudFighter's PALIDIN identity authentication and management solution enables bars and nightclubs to accurately:
- Validate the authenticity of driver licenses from all 50 US states, most international identity documents and other official identity credential documents such as passports, military ID's, merchant marine IDs and more.
- Scan and store machine readable information, calculate age automatically, provide ID verification, and maintain ongoing records of the ID scans in encrypted files for archived retrieval
Added Value: HR Protocols and compliance
In addition to fraud prevention and financial transaction compliance issues, FraudFighter™ product solutions provide Human Resource departments with proven tools that contribute to reliable applicant screenings during the new hire process. For medium and enterprise operations that have high–level employee “churn” and are constantly involved in hiring new employees, FraudFighter™ empowers firms with rapid document authentication & identity validation solutions at optional levels of cost and accuracy.
FraudFighter’s™ advanced screening capabilities are critical in a broad applicant base hiring process, particularly as it relates to adhering to Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) employment eligibility verification requirements.
Stop Underage Drinking & Fraud From Hurting Profits
Our fraud prevention team works with bars and nightclubs of all sizes - use our expertise to help design the most effective solution for your needs!